Just what I needed!
I often collect high resolution album art scans and the like. After doing a day of collecting I realized that in the process of renaming the files I was truncating the file extensions without realizing it. Oops! I hopped onto the App Store and found this fantastic piece of software. After looking up the file signatures for jpg and png, I was able to successfully give all my files the correct extensions with ease. In fact, I also fixed up a few files that were uploaded with the wrong extension to begin with!
I didn’t use any of the advanced features, but if you’re in a similar situation as me I would highly recommend this software. HOWEVER! This is indeed not much more than a copy-paste of Hex Fiend, and from what I can tell it does not abide by or acknowledge the two-clause BSD license. It’s so, so simple to follow it and the license gives a lot of freedom. Uunfortunately the author did not bother to give the slightest amount of acknolwedgement to the original creator(s). I would not recommend downloading this unless for whatever reason you do not have a choice in the matter.
Shimunogora about
iHex - Hex Editor, v2.3